On September 13, 2023, the Kindergarten and ABCs students went on a field trip to the Post Office Museum and Gedung Sate.
Arriving at Gedung Sate, students were greeted by a tour guide who took them to see a display replica of Gedung Sate. There, they learned about the construction and history of this iconic Bandung landmark. The students visited an underground tunnel-like room where they saw what life was like for the average Bandung citizen during the Dutch colonial times. The video presentation that followed also gave students a deeper understanding of the city's history.
Afterward, students trekked to the Post Office Museum where they saw 'ancient' technologies such as typewriters and stamps from all over the world. Students sent letters to one another as well, taking care to paste the beautiful stamps in the right place.
All in all, it was an enlightening trip into history. Thank you to the dedicated staff and team at both museums for hosting us!